Power That I Have Now - (Native Youth Writers)

Time for another chance,
To become a better person from my past
To move on a become the future.
Leaving the hate, sad love and anger that was misplaced.
Knowing today and tomorrow are two different things.
I did and what I didn't today,
But make it bigger and better tomorrow.
I walk the road of clean and sober happiness,
Knowing my family sick with the illness of the shame.
Shame of their lies and the use of drugs and alcohol
Walking with their head low.
Knowing they're on the other side of the wall.
Unhappy, depressed, mad, confused
But I sit on the other side enjoying the sun.
Knowing I lived another day.
Proud of my faith and strength
but it's a dream for now.
Sitting on this bed that isn't even mine,
Wondering could it be true or is it an imagination from my mind.
So I keep my head for a power that I have.
Prefered to remain Anonymous
Age 16, Paiute
Bishop Indian Education Center
These poems were submitted as part of a gathering of “Thoughts from Native Youth”. The Young Native authors of these poems were published as part of the 2015 Collectors Edition of “Indian Education: Meeting the Challenge.” Many of the writers wished to remain anonymous once their words were published but they certainly had the courage to take the first steps to submit their work in order to contribute to the Native Youth conversations.
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