Wind, Rain, Air - (Native Youth Writers)
I wonder about the wind. It feels as if it wants to talk to me. I also wonder if it's the same wind that blew the wonderful breeze to my ancestors. Like it never stops and keeps going around the Mother Earth for centuries. It sings a wonderful lullaby that we may never know. But sitting on a rock and listening we can guess. It's a mystery. It brings me joy on summer days. I love that for the Mother Earth. Wind is wonderful in many ways.
Rain reminds me of the old saying my Mom used to tell me. "Grandfather upset so cries and let's us know he is not happy with us, that we should make peace and live happy." It touches my skin. It catches me in a surprise like it's saying I'm coming thoughts. I let you know friend. It makes the grass green and Mother Nature happier.
Air without it I wouldn't be here. Neither would you or anybody else. So I give thanks to you and what you have for us. I'm sorry we hurt you, but everybody not the same but selfish. But I will give you my love just that way you do us.
Author preferred to remain anonymous.
Age 17, Paiute
Bishop Indian Education Center
These poems were submitted as part of a gathering of “Thoughts from Native Youth”. The Young Native authors of these poems were published as part of the 2015 Collectors Edition of “Indian Education: Meeting the Challenge.” Many of the writers wished to remain anonymous once their words were published but they certainly had the courage to take the first steps to submit their work in order to contribute to the Native Youth conversations.
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