My Language Story

My Ibai, Cha-a and my brothers.
I have the honor of working on a project for work that assists with strengthing our Native Languages.  My tribal language, has always been a part of my life, for as long as I can remember.  This project has me thinking more about how important it has become for me, as a tribal member, to contribute to my tribe's language revitalization.  

I was asked to write, My Language Story. Thinking back to my very first memories of hearing my Paiute Language. Where did it begin? I remember walking through the fields of our reservation with my mother & brothers to visit my Cha-a.  Listening to her speak fluent Paiute to us.  Here is my Language Story.

Walking though the fields of our reservation
with the Sierra Nevada Mtns in background. 
"Sky Vasquez began learning her tribal language growing up on the Bishop Paiute Reservation in Bishop, CA.  As a little girl, her I-bia (mother) would take her and her brothers through the fields to their Cha –a’s (Great Grandmother) house.  She would listen to her I-bia & Cha-a  talk and visit.  She would hear her Cha-a speak in fluent Paiute to her mother and brothers. 

As she became older, she started to recognize & learn some of the Paiute language until her Cha-a passed away.  Because so many of the tribal elders of her Paiute community grew up in the boarding schools, the language was rarely shared and only a small amount of the language was spoken within her family and friends.

As years passed, her own use of her Paiute language became very limited and almost forgotten, until she became a mother.  She realized the importance of her language and the need to teach what she had experienced at an early age, on to her son.  Thanks to her tribes Nüümü Yadoha Language revitalization program, she is able to relearn, teach & speak to her son and able to incorporate her tribal language into some of her creative projects such as a healthy cooking video series."

Little Sky Vasquez is Paiute/Navajo and grew up on the Bishop Paiute Reservation.  She spent her life working for a number of native organizations & Native owned businesses in California, Washington DC & Washington State.  Always a smile on her face, a mother, artist and eternal optimist.  Her and her son currently reside in Portland, OR. 


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